Sayuri’s (Nihon‘s Legend Bara Sayuri of Akashima) debut in the show ring started with the Alberni Valley Kennel Club show on August the 8th 2023 winning BOB and a Group III under judge Mrs. Terry Carter, on August the 9th winning BOB and a Group III under judge Mr. John Palmer and on August the 10th winning BOB and Group II under judge Mrs. Susan Norris-Jones followed by the Glacier View Kennel Club shows on August the 11th winning BOB and a Group III under judge Mrs. Kristen Francis and on August the 12th winning BOB and Group I under judge Raymond Yurick, finishing her Canadian Champion title after just 5 shows and becoming Number 2 Shikoku in Canada that day. On the last day of the shows (August the 13th) Sayuri won BOB and a Group III under judge Grant Townsend and in doing so became the Number 1 Shikoku in Canada.
Thanks to all the judges that recognized her qualities and a big thanks to our friend Christine for doing such a wonderful job showing her for us.
We are very proud of this girl.