Earlier this year the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) added the Yakutian Laika as a Listed Breed; the first step towards full recognition. Being a Listed breed allowed these dogs to be entered in Group 3 Working Dogs CKC Conformation events as of July 1, 2022.
The Yakutian Laika (Laika is dog in Russian) is an ancient native dog breed which was bred by aboriginal (Yakutian) people of Northeast Russia as a sled dog and a hunting dog. Certain archaeological discoveries confirm that the local people used dogs for sledding and hunting as far back as 8000 years ago. The first Breed Standard for the North-East Sled Dog was adopted in 1958 and it formed the basis for the Yakutian Laika Breed Standard published in 2005 by the Russian Kynological Federation.
For many centuries, the Yakutian Laika accompanied the northern man in everyday life, helping him to hunt, vigilantly watch his home, herd reindeer and transport goods in the severe conditions of the far north. These skills have venerated the Yakutian Laika as a versatile breed not only in Russia but also in many countries on different continents.
On July 13th three Yakutian Laika entered the CKC Conformation ring for the first time ever in Canada at the Victoria City Kennel Club show in Saanich BC.

At the end of the six days of shows both Sirius and Tania had won a major and each had accumulated 6 points towards their Canadian Championship.

Next stop on the journey was Burns Lake BC some 1000 kms to the north for 8 limited entry shows hosted by the Lakes District Kennel Club. At these shows Tania placed 4th in the Working Dog Group, the first time a Yakutian Laika placed in the group in Canada.

After Tania left Burns Lake, now having 7 points, it was off to the Vancouver Island Show circuit starting at the show hosted by the Campbell River Dog Fanciers in Campbell River where Tania took Best of Breed on Day 1 and Winners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex on Day 3 becoming the first ever Yakutian Laika Canadian Champion. Sirius continued to gather points as well finishing the Campbell River shows with 9 points followed by kennel mate Kalina with 5 points.

Tania continued to place in Group as the circuit moved on to Courtenay BC with 3 shows hosted by the Port Alberni Kennel club followed by 3 shows hosted by the Glacier View Kennel Club.
All in all a fun filled and historic three weeks.