Mura had already done a cross country trip from Courtenay her birth place on Vancouver Island Canada to Chicago to Boston and ultimately to Attleboro Massachusetts.

That trip was different from this one. That trip was by car and ferry and by jet (2 jets actually) and then by car to Mura’s new home. She doesn’t remember much of that trip; it was 10 years ago, and Mura was only 10 weeks old.
This trip is by car; Paul drives and Mura co-pilots. Where is Mura going today? That’s the question that Paul posted to Facebook almost every day and sometimes several times a day as he and his beloved Mura, a Shikoku Ken, traveled across the USA with a side trip to Akashima Kennels to visit Mura’s birth place. In total, Paul expects to have driven 8500 miles (more or less) on this marathon trip. So where did Mura go each day? Well, I hope the following pictures give you a bit of a travel log of Mura’s big adventure.

After driving over 8500 miles Mura is back at work in Paul’s office.

For more information and video of Mura’s trip follow these links:
This trip was Paul’s gift to a special and much-loved family member…Mura, who is terminally ill with an aggressive form of blood cancer.