Introducing the newest member of our pack: “Almazy Anabara Tania Fairy Princess” a Yakutian Laika.
Tania was born in Sochi Russia on March 19th 2021 and spent 7 weeks in the Netherlands before we were able to pick her up on October the 18th (2021) and return with her to Courtenay. Tania is a very affectionate, sweet and smart little girl. The breed is now a listed breed with the CKC in the Miscellaneous class and can be shown starting in July 2022. Watch for her in the show ring next year.

The Yakutian Laika (Якутская лайка) is an indigenous working dog that originated on the Arctic seashore in the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic a far eastern part of Russia. Yakutian Laikas serve as a reindeer herders companion, hunter and sled dog.
This is a versatile dog with excellent sense of smell, hearing and vision, with a strong hunting drive and endurance. They are aggressive to predators and soft and gentle with humans.